Setup Typescript for ExpressJS Project
Some of you might already use Typescript on all of your projects, maybe for frontend application or backend application. There're also a few Nodejs frameworks that already support Typescript with no config required. I myself still using ExpresJS with…
We know that Index is really important when we develop an app with database. It can improve our query performance to provide a specific result that we want. A little note here, Indexes are entry points for tables and Indexes are stored in storage…
Install Android SDK Without Android Studio
Android Studio is one of the best development tool to create Android application. But we know that this tool is too heavy for some machines, like mine. In order to develop an Android application, we need to use their SDK which is available to be…
SSH Keys with Multiple GitHub Accounts On a Single Machine
SSH key is very useful for us if we want to get rid of the need for typing in the username and password every time we make a Git push. But if we have multiple GitHub accounts on the same machine, we need to manage the SSH keys for each account.…
I have an old Laptop, it has 4GB of RAM and low spec CPU. So I decided to put Arch Linux in it. I was a bit struggle with the installation steps (I'm using Manjaro though :D) but I successfully installed it. The installation steps is actually…
How to Switch From Vundle to Vim-Plug the Easy Way
Recently i just switched to vim-plug. I've searched on the internet for better alternatives, and end up with vim-plug. There is no important reason why i switched over from Vundle to vim-plug. Installing vim-plug is quite easy (see documentation…
How To Setup PostgreSQL and PGAdmin4 on Docker
I use docker almost every day (for my development environment) but i don't know why i installed PostgreSQL on my own laptop and not in docker like on my office computer :D. Just for your information, i use Archlinux on my laptop, and i usually got…
Now, in this article i'll continue to setup Vim based on the article part 1. The first thing to do is to add a plugin managers, there are a few plugin manager that you can choose, you can search on google and pick which one do you want to use, but…
Have you ever heard about Vim before? Many people say that it's a powerfull text editor. I started to use this tool couple months ago and i enjoy it. I'm not a hardcore Vim user that knows all commands or good setup, but i just want to share how do i…
How to Easily Setup Webpack Configuration
When a developer start to learn a framework or library like ReactJS or VueJS we usually found an example project bundled with webpack. Since we're a newcomer in this kind of tool, we don't know how it work. Each articles on the internet has a…